Sunday, May 21, 2017

Cowboy our New Buck! January 2017

I was willing to wait for Gold Nugget to grow up and so we could have fall babies next year, but with his death plans changed.

We found Cowboy online and I sent my husband to pick him up.  Because he was full grown, we decided to breed for off-season summer kids.  Ebony and Blossom both had summer babies last year, so timing was perfect for them anyway. 

Here is Cowboy!  I didn't realize he was so small until he arrived home.  My husband calls him:  Shorty Cowboy, after his grandfather who was a rodeo champion.  Fitting.  Cowboy (or Shorty as we often call him) went straight to work.  He seemed pleased and happy in his new home, with 5 does all to himself.  Poor Frost had to look on from the next field feeling very displeased, but he would later roommate up with Cowboy and they would become good friends. 

Poor Frost looking on as Cowboy gets all the action from the Does.  His disbudding didn't take on the right side, so he has a half horn growing in. 

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