Learning how to milk a goat is not an easy task- but with practice it doesn't take long to get the hang of it.

Ivory is our Saanen/Alpine mix doe. She is very patient with the girls as they learn. She holds pretty still as long as her feed bucket is filled with grain. Grain is a goat's candy!

Even my youngest wants her turn but her hands are too small to squeeze correctly. She is still determined to try! If the udder is not gently pinched at the top the milk will go back up instead of out- and that does not feel good for the goat and she will kick and let you know you are doing it wrong.
Watch out! She is going to kick the bucket!!!
We saved most of the milk today because I guessed what was about to happen and took the bucket away just in time. We give Ivory a bit more grain (because she deserves it for putting up with children trying to milk her) and my oldest daughter takes over and can get a pretty good stream going.
Ivory gives about a gallon a day right now. Two quarts in the morning and two at night. It is a lot of hard work- for her and for us.
I'm very happy to tell you we've finally got SWEET MILK! No more nasty buck milk. We moved the stinky billys across the property so they cannot come in contact with the females. We also increased our goat's alfalfa consumption. Something worked and I couldn't be more pleased! We will take this milk in the house, filter it and immediately put it in the freezer for 30 minutes to chill. The faster it chills, the sweeter it will taste.
The milk is sweet, but not nearly as sweet as the cute helpers I had this morning! They are my true pride and joy.
All Done!