Unfortuantly, as her health improved, so did her bad behavior. I knew a beagle would make noise- and I was actually thrilled the first time she felt good enough to bay (it took about a week). And the noise was ok. But soon she took to chasing the cats. Neither cat could come close the to porch and she would bite at them and run them both up a tree EVERY chance she got! No amount of scolding would stop her.
Still, I thought I could get tuff and figure out how to break her of the habit, so she was still welcome.
She would sneak up on them in the tall grass, and then jump at them! She didn't bite them, but the goats would get so upset! I finally made her leave the field, but it didn't stop her. She was an excellent digger and would dig under the fence and go at them again.
Here she is sad because she got scolded after she chased a cat. |
One day after church, we came back to a devastating sight. Our new dog had dug into the chicken grow-out pen and helped herself to some chicken nuggets. 15 young chicks lay dead or seriously wounded.
We found this dog a home with a young family with NO chickens just 3 days afterwards. It was such a relief to take her off the chain- where no dog should be kept. She was so good with my children and was also good about staying at my side when I took my morning walks. I do miss her. I am sure she is making a wonderful pet!
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