Saturday, April 14, 2018

March 2018 Chicken Update

Hatching Season is well underway.  We started incubating and hatching in January this year and have quite a few already growing out. 

 More and more keep hatching so we combined the bigger birds with the smaller ones.  At first the big ones were a bit mean, so we put a divider up so they could see each other but not peck!  After a few days, the big ones broke through the divider and accepted the little ones into the little flock.  It was pretty cute to see the teeny chicks peeking out of the feathers of the half grown ones!  What are big brothers and sisters for anyway! 

The Columbian Rock parents.

Below are our Black Copper Marans.  We sold the pretty rooster- so he is gone, but not before hatching a bunch of his chicks.  He was a mean rooster who liked to charge the fence every time he saw us.  He had a really pretty brother, but it was eaten by the hound.


To the left here is one of our Cream Legbar Girls.


  1. Do you sell your Legbar eggs for hatching?

    1. Yes we do. My husband deals with all of that. Would you like him to contact you?
