Yesterday we arrived home to find Ebony in the barn with triplets! Two boys and one girl. The smallest boy only weighed 1 pound 8 ounces! He was unattended to in the corner, still sloppy from his birth, but not cold because it was nearly 90 degrees outside. The other two kids were up and nursing. I cleaned off the smallest, which my girls are calling "Alaska Star," and held him up to his mom. She licked him and he started to nurse. His legs are still weak, and I'm guessing it may take him a day or two to find them but we can help him out until then.
Here comes another night of going out ever 3 hours to help feed a baby!
Here the little girl is nursing, and Alaska Star is laying in the hay. |
The biggest triplet is a boy we are calling "Ace" and he is black with frosted ears and a muzzle, a white mullet and "glitter" down his back. The other triplet is a little black girl we might call "Avonlea" that looks identical to Alaska Star.

I set Alaska Star next to our cat Tippy when I brought him up to the house. Tippy is a small cat, so you can see how little the triplet brother is. Tippy is very patient, but she wasn't really in the mood to adopt a kid. She sniffed him and went her way. This morning I was happy when Alaska Star was standing on his own and ready for his Mom full time. I will continue to check on him every 3 hours and make sure he is feeding.
We now only have one pregnant doe left! How many babies do you think Blossom will give us??
Well, We have had two (2) does give birth to twins and two (2) give birth to triples. This doe is bigger than any of them were. I am guessing triples but she could be carrying 4-5 kids if they aren't really big.