We obtained this beautiful bird through a rooster exchange with our friends in Oklahoma. Blaze is a Cream Legbar rooster with excellent color and plume. He is the most up-to-standard rooster that we own and producing some very light chicks that we have high hopes for.
What can I say about Blaze? Well, he is a character. We have not owned him long, but -do I dare say it- he is kind of a wimp. He is pleasant to work with and good to his hens, yet he has them running
all the time! It is kind of funny. They are grazing in the field, a vulture flies over head, he calls the alarm and runs as fast as he can back to the coop with the hens right behind him. Or- they are grazing in the field, my daughters run out of the house with their bubble wands and a bubble floats across the fence. He calls out an alarm and sprints back to the coop. Or I call out that I have treats, he calls out an alarm and the hens are left wondering if they should run to me, which half do, or run after him.. who is sprinting as fast as he can back to the coop! No kidding.
I think it is so great that many of our birds are so distinctly different in personality. Cream Legbar roosters can be rather aggressive, especially compared to other breeds. Blaze doesn't have that problem...yet. He is rather young so I may update you when he finally decides that this is "his" barnyard and sends me running to guard myself with the rooster stick.
(BTY the rooster stick is a broom length stick that we carry when working with our aggressive breeders. If the rooster challenges us, we simply point the stick at him or slightly push him on the chest if he charges and he will back away.)
Below are some of his nice chicks. They are quite a bit lighter in color then our other Cream Legbar chicks. You can tell the male and females apart at hatching. The males have the white dot on their heads, and the females have the distinct strips down their backs. Very cute!
Blaze's chicks- extra light in color |