I wanted to post a few pictures of how our flock is doing today.
Here our Breda Hen "Vulture" is begging me for more table scraps. My girls named her as a chick, and she is so tame. She will follow us around the chicken yard when we go in and is always the first to come running when she sees us coming. I guess all the extra love my daughters gave her paid off. |
Our flock just pecking around. We have 2 Marans hens, three Breda hens, and all the rest are Cream Legbars. We only have cream legbar roosters right now so we do not have to worry about mixing our cream legbar hens with a different breed. It is nice to have everyone out and no one penned up. |
Here is Vulture's chick. It is mixed between a Breda and a Legbar. We will see how he/she grows up. I'm also excited to see what color of eggs this mix will give us. |
These three Cream Legbar roosters are growing up and enjoying their first green pastures! |
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